Happy 18th Birthday to my little sister (yay!!!)
Is that guy to the right looking fimiliar to you? Yes that is our beloved Stephan Jenkins kicking it Rock Star style.

If this isnt enough to make you want to go and see the movie I dont know what is!
Thanks to
[email protected] for finding this!
If you havent already go and check out Alana Davis' cover of
I Want You! I personally think she did an amazing job coevering the song. It's going to be the first single of the new album.
I picked up the Run DMC Rock Show DVD today. It's $10 and it has the video along with some interviews with Stephan and other people who collaborated on the album.
An Elektra labelmate of 3eb, Alana Davis (has the hit song 32 Flavors) is releasing her next album "Fortune Cookie" well to make this 3eb related there is supposed to be an acoustic cover of 3eb's "I Want You" on the October 2nd release. As soon as I get news or anymore details about the song I'll let you know!!
Thanks John M for the info!!
This site is way overdue for an update so here's some news:
3eb has a show scheduled for September 12th in Tulare Ca. The show is free with admission to the county fair.
Run DMC's Rock show is now on DVD, Stephan and Tony are on it so go pick it up (thanks to scp.net fro this info)
TonyRocks.net is now up and running, make sure you check it out
I did get a chance to talk to the band in Cleveland, here are some things I picked up. nothing is official. We all know how 3eb likes to change things so work with me. There is a possible March 2002 tour start and Arion taped his part in the Matrix. See nothing big.
I have been an extremely bad webmistress, i havent updated in over 2 weeks. I am currently working on updates, pictures, and a review from the Cleveland grand prix show.
Make sure you go and check out
Vision's of 3eb yup it's on its way back up so if you have any old or new contributions make sure you check it out and email the webmistress!!06.13.01
There's new info on the
Meet Up Board, times and meeting places
Arion and Brad's birthdays are coming up make sure you check out
3eBirthday to help celebrate!!
Brad is in this months (June 2001) Modern Drummer Magizine. He is in an ad for D'Amico drums it says:
You can hear the incredible sound of D' Amico Drums on Third Eye Blind's multi-platinum debut CD and on their follow up release. Everyone comments on the sound of Brad's custom 19"x22" bass drum
Thanks A lot to Kerri for this info
More Brad news, he is quoted on
D'Amico Drums.com as saying:
"Finally a resonance isolation system exists for the bass drum. I use it with my D'Amico Drums 18" bass drum to achieve
maximum tone and resonance." when speaking of D'Amico's adjustable drum cradle.
Don't for get to stop by the
Fan Chat on Thursday June 7th at 8pm EST.
Go look at the
PHOTO OF THE MONTH, this one is a classic!!
For those of you going to the June 30th show at the Cleveland Grand Prix, there's a Meet Up Board
There's a Fan Chat on June 7th, make sure you drop by
Oh I forgot to mention there's a 30 second sound clip of 3eb's upcoming song Forget myself on StephanJenkins.com Make sure you check it out!!!
For those of you who frequent the chats at StarcrossedPimps.net Arion stopped by again and says the new 3eb song thats going to be on the American Pie 2 soundtrack is Crystal Baller.
More Arion news: Coming soon to a theatre near you!! Arion has a small role in the upcoming movie The Matrix 2
I usually dont keep up with 3eb articles on this site but make sure you check out
3EB's Jenkins Talks Film not only does Stephan talk about his upcoming role in Rock Star, he also talk about grabbing Jennifer Aniston's (yes, Mrs. Brad Pitt) ass and not letting go! Talk about Never Let You Go
I added 17 new picture to the Live Pictures section
The Cleaveland Grand Prix show which was scheduled for 6.29 has been rescheculed for 6.30, admission to the show is free with the ticket to the grand prix. I'll be there so if you see me make sure you stop and say hi or drop me a line
Created a new poll called Location, Location. Where do you think next year's fan gathering should be held?
This poll is for fun, I'm curious on what all of you think
Added 9 new pictures to BRAD GONE BAD!!!! one of these date back to 1998!
Dee and Connie Gather with 3eb in Dixon
Added Jo's
BRAD GONE BAD!!!! picture from the Dixon Show!
3EB has a couple of show's: 05.17.01 in Los Angeles@The Palladuim. I belive this is a private show
And one on 06.29.01 in Cleaveland, OH@The Cleaveland Grand Prix. I dont have too much information on this show but as I find it out I'll post it.
Make sure you check out the following thing's around 3eb land:
Mp3's of the U.S. Version of Eye Conqueror can be found on the following sites:
StarcrossedPimps.net and
Added Dee and Ruby's pictures to BRAD GONE BAD!!!!
Eye Conqueror: U.S. version vs. European version. Here's the deal. There are 2 versions of the song. There will be a 1st run of the soundtrack in the U.S. which has the not so good version of the song (hey, they had a deadline to meet). The 2nd run of the U.S. and all of the European issues of the soundtrack will have the correct song on it!
I'm coming for yoooooouuuuu!!! If you havent heard Eye Conqueror yet make sure you do. You can check it out online at a few places:
The official site for the
A Knights Tale soundtrack. They have a 29 second clip of the song
You can download live versions of the song from 3 different sites:
True Blue 3EB (oh look, you are here)
You can download the UK studio version of the song (which I HIGHLY suggest) from The
Village Church Yard
In case you didnt know, Eye Conqueror is actually the intro music from Arion's official site (ArionSalazar.com).
I changed the
PHOTO OF THE MONTH, it's a special one this month.
Dont forget to go out and get your copy of "A Knights Tale" soundtrack on May 8th, the song is not in the movie
3EB has a limited amount of shows coming up this month
5.05 Ferndale, MI (this is a radio show you have to win tickets to
5.06 Irvine, CA
5.11 Dixon, CA (fan gathering)
5.12 Kelseyville, CA
Stephan was nominated for, but did not win a California Music Award
I just added the new audio section to the site called Hear This you can download the 3-31-01 Bryn Mawr show now, and later the 12-7-00 NYC show. You can still download Scattered if you havent already! Rock On.
Check out a 30 second sound clip of the stuio version of
Eye Conqueror04.26.01
For all you peeps who missed out, Arion dropped by the SCP.net chat last night. He says they are working on songs for soundtracks :) now make sure you are at the next chat to be held on May 24, you'll never know who will stop by.
In celebration of the up and coming download section of my site I am putting up a rare version of 3EB's
Scattered live (12-7-00 NYC). Hope you enjoy, let me know how it sounds. Make sure you check back soon, I'll have a live version of Eye Conqueror (different from the others) and Horror Show just to name a few.
Coming Soon!!! I will Have the 3-31-01 Bryn Mawr show available for download and a site exclusive. The 12-7-00 NYC Becks private show you can't find anywhere else but here!!! This show includes 2 songs that 3eb dont't play too often, Scattered and Horror Show
Dont forget to check out the 3EB Chat WEDNESDAY (4.25.01) at 8:00pm EST
sponsored by StarcrossedPimps.net
According to Sonicnet.com 3eb is contributing a song to the American Pie 2 soundtrack
According to CDnow news Arion and Stephan are supposed to play some acoustic shows together. I havent heard or found out any info about any of these shows but if I do I will be sure to let you all know.
Hey I havent updated in a week but theres a few things going on in the world of 3eb.
Make sure you check out the all new version of the band's official site
3eb was in CD Now news (
Third Eye Blind Record New Track For A Knight's Tale) this week.
Speaking of the new track recorded for A Knight's Tale, 2 live versions of Eye, Conqueror~, are available for download on
Hey everyone got an email from Tony about the 1st year and birthday gifts, here's what he haad to say:
Friends and 3eb Family,
Thank you soooooo much for my 1 year anniversary and Birthday presents. All of you who have made me feel at home and have shared the expression of this music hold a place in my heart. I am commited to working tirelessly to make the next 3eb album, the best yet.
Michelle, Paula,Steve, and all of you who sent me presents, and those of you who cherish 3eb music and performance, you are the reason that we do what we do and why we love to do it.
Much love
If you want to see what was sent to Tony for the 1st year there is an online version of it you can check out
I recently stated 3EB's latest song Eye/I, Conqueror is supposed to be on the soundtrack for
A Knights Tale. Well the song
will be on the soundtrack that is scheduled to come out on May 8, 2001.
Today is the 4 year anniversary of the release date of Third Eye Blind's self titled/debut album
Check out
Artistdirect.com's Fan Nation site (or the
Dates section) for info on a fan show that 3eb will be playing at on May 6 in Irivine CA.
Added info on the 5.12.01 show in Keleseyville, CA in the
Dates section.
Look for Tony along with Stephan on Letterman on April 4th as they perform Rock Show with Run DMC.
Check out the site for the new movie
A Knights Tale. The soundtrack for the movie is suppposed to feature 3EB's newest song, (Eye) or I, Conqueror.
I put up my
Review of the Bryn Mawr show including some info on a new song.
I would like to wish Tony a Happy 32nd Birthhday
Here's some info on Deep Indide Of You and 10 Days Late being featured in the independent film "Too Smooth"
Added some TV appearences in the 3EB Tv section.
3EB's Las Vegas H.O.B. show will be shown all day on March 27th. Make sure you check out HOB.Com for details.
"Rock Star" (the moveis that Stephan is in) has been changed ::yet again:: to September 14, 2001
Added some ticket info to the
DATES section of the site
The premiere of "Rock Show" has been changed to May 1st.
I added a new section to the site called
3EB skins, there are 13 skins for Yahoo Messenger available for download. I will add skins for different things in the future.
VOTE ARION!!!!! Arion is in the running for Mr. April on
MostBeautifulMan.com. Make sure you go there and vote for him during the month of March . You can vote only ONCE per day (per ISP address) for Arion. Voting more than once in ONE DAY will automatically register your vote "0". Rock On!!!
Added some ticket info to the
DATES section of the site
*Added Carol's pictures (30) from the NYC Beck's private show to the
LIVE PICTURES section of the site.
*In honor of Arion's nomination on
MostBeautifulMan.com he is the
PHOTO OF THE MONTH for the month of March
Need to know when 3eb is on tv? well I just added the
3EB Tv section to the site
Here's the latest news on 3EB from Arion and ArionSalazar.com:
Third Eye Blind will cover "Mull Of Kintyre" for the Paul McCartney tribute album
There are currently 5 new 3eb songs. Some of the new titles are "Where'd You Go" "Persephone" and "Messed Up Kid"
Third Eye Blind is planning to release the H.O.B concert on DVD
The 7" EP benefiting San Franciscan bands may include a 3eb cover of "I'm a Dick" by The Muffs.
Theres a couple of new show dates:
March 31 - Bryn Mawr College (Private)
April 28 - Las Vegas *Tiger Jam IV* (tickets for this show went onsale MARCH 3 through Ticketmaster or the Mandalay Bay Resort & Casino box office) Tickets range between $45 (seats) to $100 (floor)
May 11 - Dixon, CA You can get tickets from
Tickets.com, tickets are $41 for floor and $36 for bleachers.
Time to vote!!!!! CLICK HERE to vote for Stephan in the CAMA's
Stephan has been nominated for Outstanding Male Vocalist in the California Music Awards (a.k.a. The Bammies). I will post voting details as soon as they become available.
Win a trip to Jamaica to see 3eb, check out Z100's Site for details
Make sure you check out BradHargreaves.com for it's amamzing Video Vault filled with 3eb videos and performances old and new!!
3EB was supposed to be doing a song for the soundtrack for the movie "Rock Star" it's didnt make it on time and maybe on their next album
Run DMC's album, Crown Royal, will be released on February 27, 2001. The video for the first single ROCK SHOW (real audio) is in light rotation right now, look for both Tony and Stephan in the video!!
Check out the site for the movie Rock Star. Stephan will be appearing in the movie that hits theaters on April 4th.
Stephan will perform Rock Show withRun DMC on "The Tonight Show With David Letterman" February 16, 2001
Third Eye Blind will be recording a song for the upcoming Paul McCartney Tribute album (more details soon)
Third Eye Blind recently recorded a cover of Johnny Cash's "Cry, Cry, Cry" while in L.A. for a tribute album due out in Spring of 2001
Stephan has written, produced, and performed on the song "Rock Show" with Run DMC. The album is due out in March of 2001.
Stephan has a part in the upcoming Mark Wahlberg film "Rock Star" to be released in theatres on April 3, 2001
Don't forget to check out Third Eye Blind's Z100 Jingle Ball performance Live v.i.a. webcast from Maybelline.com on December 14, 2000.
You can catch 3EB's GQ awards performance for the entire month of December from GQ