Too Smooth

"You can imagine what an absolute thrill it was for me, being such a huge fan of Third Eye Blind, when I found out that Stephan Jenkins and the band were allowing us (the producers and stars of TOO SMOOTH - Katie Wright, Neve Campbell, Christian Campbell and myself, Dean Paras) to use two of my favorite songs (and biggest hits of the year!) in our movie. I'd like to thank Stephan Jenkins and Third Eye Blind for all the love, help and support they have shown us. After meeting the guys in Sundance our movie has been truly enchanted. I consider Stephan a dear friend and a truly great talent, along with Brad, Arion, and Tony. Thank you guys once again. Rock on!"
- Dean Paras (Director/Actor of TOO SMOOTH)

Neve Campbell, Rebecca Gayheart, Katie Wright and director/writer/actor Dean Paras star in the new comedy TOO SMOOTH. With cameo's from Adam Carolla (MTV's Loveline and 'The Man Show') and Marley Shelton (Suger and Spice). The funniest romantic comedy since American Pie! After meeting the girl of his dreams, a fast talking screenwriter (Dean Paras) can't shake his worst bad habit: lying. And when his ex-girlfriend intervenes, it looks like he might lose the love of his life forever. TOO SMOOTH. New from Lion's Gate Films and Studio Home Entertainment. Official selection Toronto International Film Festival. Winner of six awards at Slam Dunk Film Festival including Best Director and the Audience Appreciation Award. Now available on videocassette and DVD for rent in stores everywhere. Available for purchase through
